Crescent Beach and Lagoon
- Gravel Beach, Salt Marsh
- Historic Apple Orchard
- Walking and Hiking Trails
- Paddle Up Access
- Picnic Tables
- Restroom

Parkland Information
Shorefront Access: 4,610 ft of Shorefront, 1,700 ft Gravel Beach, Salt Marsh, Paddle Up Access from Johnson Bay.
Hiking Trails: From the apple orchard, the Pike Lands Cove Trail leads to the Johnson Bay Overlook (1200 ft), from there pick your way across a short stretch of marsh to access the Crescent Beach. The 1,700 ft Crescent Beach is a barrier beach between Johnson Bay and the saltwater marsh to the south.
Paddle Trails: Paddle up access from Johnson Bay at any point along the Crescent Beach.
Paddle at your own risk and stay aware of changing conditions.
Bike Routes: Bike the Necks – from Pike Lands Cove bike the full length of Seward Neck along North Lubec Road to Old Farm Point (5 miles). Please bike with caution, North Lubec Road is narrow and with some sharp curves. For a longer ride, continue at the end of North Lubec Road on to Maple Tree Road towards West Quoddy Head Lighthouse and Quoddy Head State Park (10.5 miles).
Picnicking: Picnic tables are located near the parking lot overlooking the orchard, or carry in for a picnic on the Crescent Beach overlooking Johnson Bay.